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10 Summer Safety Tips You’ve GOT To Know!

School is out, and summer’s here! To ensure that your summer is one to fondly remember, we’ve compiled a list of summer safety tips to help you avoid injury, illness and discomfort over the next few months. After all, we’re talking Texas summer! 


Make sure you read over this top-10 list—or even print it out for your fridge—to guarantee a good time. 

 Summer safety tips

  1. Stay bug and bite free: Ditch your scented lotions, body sprays or perfume or any other product that could entice mosquitos and other bugs! Use bug spray that contains DEET to ward of the mosquitos and ticks that carry disease. And be sure to make your living space inhospitable to these insects by dumping out any standing water and covering foods when you eat outside.
  2. Hydrate: In intense heat (especially here in North Texas), it’s important to consume water every 20 minutes when you’re outside. If you’re playing sports for more than an hour, you need to mix in sports drinks as well to ensure you don’t suffer from electrolyte depletion.
  3. Examine your surroundings: Surfaces around the pool or on the playground can quickly become hot when they sit under the blazing Texas sun. Wear shoes around the pool and always use your hand to quickly (and carefully) test how hot plastic and metal playground equipment it. Children can be seriously burned, so take a moment to step on the playground with them!
  4. Wear sunscreen: Always use broad-spectrum sunscreen daily, and remember to reapply every couple of hours. Broad-spectrum products protect your skin from both UVB and UVA rays, giving you the most complete protection. Also, choose an SPF of at least 30 to ensure you don’t go to work lobster-red the next day!
  5. Look out for poisonous plants: Poison ivy and poison oak are both native to North Texas, so it’s important to look out for these plants when playing outdoors. These two plants typically grow as a vine or a shrub and are located near trees. If you come into contact with these or any other poisonous plant, wash the affected area immediately. If caught soon enough you can prevent the rash from even breaking out! If a rash does appear, hydrocortisone cream can be used to soothe side-effects.
  6. Avoid swimmer’s ear: If you’re spending a lot of time at the pool this summer, then you’re more susceptible to swimmer’s ear. If left untreated, this can result in significant pain and ear infection. When you get out of the pool, make sure to shake all the water out of your ears. And look for over-the-counter drops at the first sign of pain!
  7. Keep a firstaid package handy: Don’t let minor scrapes and bumps stop you while out adventuring! Carry a small first-aid pack on hikes that includes gauze, Bandaids, anti-bacterial cream, ice packs, and Tylenol.
  8. Use caution when by water: Whether you’re at the pool or the beach, water can be dangerous for even the most advanced swimmers. Look out for riptides at the beach that can pull you out from the shore. Also, keep an eye on all the kids at the pool, even if they are only in the wading area.
  9. Know the signs of heat exhaustion: Watch out for sudden muscle cramping, particularly in the legs, as a sign that you need to get hydrated and in the shade! This kind of cramping is associated with your body overheating, and can be a sign that you’re at risk for developing heat stroke. In addition, symptoms like nausea and lightheadedness can also indicate that something is off.
  10. Enjoy your summer! Have fun, relax, head to the pool or beach and be ready to have fun. Before you know it, school will be starting back again! You’ll be missing this heat come winter! 
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