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What’s the Deal on Veneers?

Do your teeth embarrass you? This feeling could stem from teeth that are cracked, chipped, stained or poorly spaced. So many people feel like they have to live with these imperfections and hide their smile, but the truth is there are cosmetic dental solutions to fix each of these problems.

Healthy teeth

Porcelain veneers are an easy and popular option to enhance your smile and boost your self-confidence. What used to be reserved for movie stars or celebrities has become mainstream, and ranks as one of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures available today. If you want to look like a million bucks—without having to spend that much—call the experts at Josey Lane to schedule a consult today to discuss veneers!


What are Porcelain Veneers? 


Porcelain veneers are thin shells of medical-grade ceramic that are used to recreate the natural look of teeth while also strengthening the tooth. Each individual veneer is uniquely crafted for a patient. This ensures your smile looks completely natural. Veneers allow for small adjustments to the color, tooth size or shape, and position of the tooth. If you are in need of significant orthodontia work, it is best to consult with your dentist to determine if this is the right first step for you.


Everything you need to know about porcelain veneers

Shade determination

Is this a new technology?


While porcelain veneers have recently increased in popularity, the idea behind them is actually 100 years old. In the early 1920s, a famous Hollywood dentist created the idea of veneers for actors as a way to enhance their on-screen smile. While popular for their time, he didn’t have the technological means to permanently affix the veneer to the teeth. It wasn’t until the 1980’s that technology had evolved enough to make permeant veneers a possibility for the masses. Today, veneers continue to evolve as technology continues to change. The products available today look more realistic than ever and take much less time to put in.


Am I a candidate? 


Those who are considering veneers typically have several cosmetic issues they are hoping to address at one time. For instance, the most common patients have cracked or chipped teeth, slight discolorations or minor spacing issues. Prior to having the veneers placed, you will need to show a history or good oral health and a commitment to oral care.


It’s also important your teeth have a healthy level of enamel since a thin layer is typically removed when placing the veneer. Patients with tooth decay, gum disease, or other infections in the mouth do not typically qualify for the procedure. The only way to really determine if you are a candidate is to schedule an appointment with your dentist.


How are veneers applied?


Preparation for veneers is important to ensure your smile and teeth appear natural.  First, your dentist will remove a fine layer of enamel from the front of the tooth then take an impression of your teeth. Sometimes it can take a couple of weeks for the veneers to be completed. If this is the case, your dentist may fit you with temporary veneers to protect your teeth after the enamel was removed.


When the veneers arrive, your dentist will check them to ensure the color, shape and size is correct. Dentists have the ability to fine tune them after they arrive to ensure they blend in perfectly. After prepping your teeth, the veneers are bonded to your teeth with a dental cement. The cement is allowed to harden with a curing light which sets the teeth in a matter of minutes. While the process can take several weeks due to making the veneers, putting the veneer on to your teeth can be done in a couple of hours.


Porcelain veneers are a great way to boost your confidence and enhance your smile in 2018! Call our experts at Josey Lane today to schedule a consolation appointment.

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