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What kind of Diet is Good for your Teeth?

It’s common knowledge that sugary foods are bad for the teeth. But what foods are good for your teeth? Are there foods that can actually restore damaged parts of your teeth and gums? Is there a way to eat unhealthy foods that results in less damage to your teeth? We’ve compiled a set of guidelines for a diet that benefits your oral health.

What kind of Diet is Good for your Teeth?

Stimulate Saliva Flow

More saliva in the mouth equals better oral health. Saliva washes away the bacteria that cause plaque and helps keep the teeth and gums clean. More water in the mouth also means a more balanced pH level. If the mouth becomes too acidic, then teeth can be stained and damaged.

Fruits and Vegetables with High Water Content Greatly Promote Salivation

Fruits like apples, pears, and vegetables like celery and cucumbers are high in H2O in the first place, which helps balance the mouth’s pH level. Not only do they have a lot of water, but they promote salivation because they are crunchy, and the mouth will produce more saliva as they are chewed. Finally, the fibrous nature of these foods also can scrub the teeth, manually cleaning their surfaces.

Another plus is that veggies like cucumbers, celery, and leafy greens are great for your body as a whole. They promote better blood flow, maintain good eyesight, help balance cholesterol, are rich in vitamins, and much more. Read more about the health benefits of leafy greens at the Agricultural Research Service USDA website.

Drink Plenty of Water

Obviously water hydrates yourself and your mouth. No big news there. However, other liquids such as green tea and other non-sweetened beverages are also great. Milk is another good beverage, because it has calcium which can help restore damaged bones and teeth.

What not to Drink

Avoid drinking too much alcohol, coffee, and of course soda pop. Alcohol is often highly acidic, and some alcohols, like red wine, can stain teeth. Coffee is also extremely acidic, and is a notorious tooth staining beverage. What makes coffee worse is that is also is often mixed with a lot of sugar, making it doubly dangerous. Soda pop is the worst offender, and one of the main reasons culprits for cavities in the US and worldwide. Do your best not to drink soda pop at all — if you do drink it a lot, try replacing it with fizzy water or still water.

Protecting Damaged Teeth

Prevention is the best cure, but some tooth damage will happen to everybody throughout life. What are some things that are good to eat if your teeth have some damage?


Scientific studies have shown that dairy helps protect teeth. Accounting for age, smoking, and alcohol consumption, it has been proven that men and women who eat more dairy lose fewer teeth. The reason for this is dietary calcium intake. Dairy is super high in calcium, which is the main component of both teeth and bones. When people increase their calcium levels, it shows in their oral health. So, eat your cheese, milk and yogurt!


Various oils, like coconut, tea tree, and many more have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. They were used historically before the advent of tooth brushing. Studies have shown that essential oil mouthwash has the same effect as chemical mouthwash.

Green Tea

Green tea has a unique benefit of clinging to plaque and tartar. This makes it more visible, and thus easier to remove while brushing.

If your Teeth are Seriously Damaged

If you have severe problems with cavities or periodontitis, you will know from pain when you eat. Gum disease especially can lead to systematic problems throughout the rest of your body.

In the case that you have pain when eating or chewing, then you should see a dentist immediately. If you are in the Carrollton Texas area, pay a visit to Josey Lane Dentistry. Their professional and experienced staff will be happy to advise you, and see you for dental emergencies. If you aren’t sure if you have severe gum or teeth damage, send them a message today and figure out what’s best for your oral health.

Chewing Gum

Chewing gum can actually be great for your teeth. Not only does it help remove debris from the teeth and gums, but some chewing gum even has chemicals like Xylitol that reduces bacteria in the mouth.

Avoid gum if you are noticing jaw pain or extreme sensitivity in your teeth.

How to Eat Sweets to Minimize Tooth Damage

If you are going to eat candies, ice cream, or other sugary foods, the best time to do it is before or after a meal. The reason that sweets are best paired with healthy food is that when people eat healthy foods, saliva production goes up. This means that the residue left over from sugary snacks will be more easily washed off of the surfaces of the teeth.

Try to Avoid Sticky Sugary Food

Sticky candies like gummies, chocolates, and chewy snacks are some of the worst offenders regarding tooth decay. Their sugary contents stick to the teeth, providing food for the bacteria that cause plaque and tartar. If you find yourself eating sticky sweets, make sure to either clean your teeth afterwards, or drink some water to wash out your mouth afterwards.

Remember the Basics

There is no replacement for regular dental hygiene.

Brush and Floss

Brush your teeth at least twice a day, once at night before bed, and once in the morning. Brush for 3 minutes a day and don’t forget to brush the outside, inside, and top surfaces of the lower and upper teeth.

Floss at least once a day. It’s best to floss before bed, as it clears debris from between the teeth.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Have a dental check-up/cleaning at least two times a year. If you are feeling pain in your jaw, gums, or teeth, contact an oral health professional.

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