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How to Prep for a Dental Appointment

We’ve all been there. Your dentist appointment is in an hour and you’re rushing out the door. You quickly brush your teeth and try to floss (and cross your fingers we don’t notice it’s the first time in a while) then fly out the door. Is that all you need to worry about? We know you’re stressed, so we want to make you feel as comfortable as possible. To ensure your dental anxiety is at ease at each bi-annual dentist appointment, we’ve provided our list of top five “must dos” before coming to the office! 

 Prepping for a dental appointment

Don’t let yourself feel nervous before your appointments. Take a look at these five ways to come in smiling! 


  1. Find the right dentist

    Finding the right dentist for you and your family is vital to ensure you commit to going to your appointments. As professionals, we understand that personalities don’t always mesh. We are dedicated to the health of your mouth, and we want you to seek care where you feel most comfortable. This includes you telling us your preferences, concerns and anxieties. It’s much easier to work with this knowledge instead of having to guess or making your appointments anything less than a positive experience. Please feel free to speak up at any time during your appointment—we appreciate it!
  2. Get your paperwork in order

    If you are visiting a new dentist for the first time it’s important to get your previous dental records from your old dentist and check in with your insurance provider to make sure the new provider is in-network. Your old records could include x-rays or documentation of other procedures. This will help your new dentist establish a baseline which guides treatment decisions in the future.
  3. Write down questions and concerns

    Sometimes when you sit in the dental chair you seem to forget the long list of questions you had in your head at the start of the appointment. While you’re still at home (or before you leave work for your appointment), compile a list of questions, concerns, or topics that need to be raised with your dentist. This could include things like pregnancy, allergies, medications you’re on, or any other health concern. Since the mouth is the window to the rest of your body health, many issues can be identified by symptoms related to your oral health. The information you provide us is important to help guide our decisions. For example, if you’re pregnant or nursing we would advise foregoing x-rays until a later date. Or, if you have a latex allergy we need to make sure that proper protocol is followed to ensure you stay healthy.
  4. Brush AND floss your teeth

    This seems like a no-brainer with regard to prep for a dentist appointment. However, it is important not to go overboard if you’re trying to “catch up” before your appointment, because too-vigorous brushing and flossing can damage your gums and teeth. While dentists are able to tell if you don’t regularly floss, don’t let that deter you out of flossing at least once before your appointment. Also, refrain from eating anything with pungent flavors. While the garlic pasta you ate for lunch may be long gone by your 5pm appointment, many times flavors linger much longer.
  5. Make your next appointment

    Finally, don’t forget to make your next appointment before leaving our office! The longer you wait, the more likely you’ll be to avoid scheduling one. While your schedule still may be in-flux six months out, you’ll have more options and you can always reschedule!

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