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How to Care For Your Baby’s Teeth

It is a joyous feeling for the parents to see the newly erupted, sparkling white teeth of their children. Although these small teeth are eventually replaced by their permanent successors, caring for them is very important.

How to Care For Your Baby’s Teeth


Therefore, the American Dental Association recommends that children should be examined by a dentist within 6 months of eruption of the first teeth. This will not only help the dentist to thoroughly check the teeth for caries and other potential dental anomalies, but also to teach the parents the importance and techniques of looking after their child’s milk teeth.

When Do Milk Teeth Erupt?

Normally, children grow their first tooth at an age of 6 or 7 months. However, a delay or prematurity of 2-3 months in eruption is not uncommon. Sometimes, children have teeth at the time of birth; these are known as natal teeth. Similarly, in some cases, teeth erupt immediately after childbirth. These teeth are called neonatal teeth. A child grows all primary teeth by the age of 3 years, and retains them till 6-7 years of age, when they are sequentially replaced by their permanent successors.

What is The Importance of Milk Teeth?

  • Chewing – although a soft diet is given to very young children, they are still important in breaking the food into small pieces to make it digestible.
  • Speaking – teeth play a pivotal role in speech. In fact, the child learns to speak with the help of these primary teeth. It is commonly observed that in children with delayed tooth eruption, the speech is hindered or behind.
  • Space Maintenance – your child’s milk teeth serve as placeholders for the permanent teeth. The primary teeth not only guide the adult teeth into their proper position, they also ensure they are not tilted or twisted. Children who lose their primary teeth at a very early age tend to have higher chances of developing malocclusion and tooth crowding.

How to Care For Your Child’s Teeth?

The gums of the children should be looked after even before any teeth have erupted. For this purpose, take any clean, moist cloth or gauze and gently wipe it onto the child’s gums at least twice a day. This will not only help in cleaning of the gums, but also stimulates them, strengthens them, and enhances the gingival blood flow.

How to Care For Your Baby’s Teeth 2

Parents should start brushing their children’s teeth as soon as they observe the emergence of the first tooth. For children up to 3 years of age, toothpaste measuring the size of a rice grain should be placed onto a soft toothbrush. Care should be taken not to let the child swallow the paste, rather they should spit it out. Similarly, for children older than 3 years and adults, a pea sized toothpaste is sufficient for adequate cleansing of oral cavity.

Tooth caries can also develop in the primary teeth. Babies who are given milk or sugary drinks with a bottle are at a high risk of developing bottle mouth syndrome, which is caused by the direct exposure of sugar containing fluids to the teeth while feeding. Brushing your child’s teeth twice a day, with a fluoride containing toothpaste, has been shown to prevent dental caries and the premature loss of primary teeth. The oral cavity should be rinsed with water after every meal, and especially after the intake of sugars.

Become a Role Model for Your Child

Children learn everything from their parents. Hence, the parents can act as role model, and demonstrate the importance of looking after oral health to their children, by brushing in front of them at least twice daily, and personally supervising their child’s tooth brushing routine. They should be made aware that a healthy mouth ultimately results in a health body and mind.

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