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Holiday Foods that are Good for Your Teeth

We all know that the holiday season is the most fattening time of the year. During this festive time of the year people eat cakes, pies, candy, and other rich food that isn’t usually a large part of the diet. In moderation, these things aren’t too terrible for you, however, the holidays don’t often see a lot of food eaten in moderation. Although there are plenty of bad foods that you should try to avoid for the sake of your oral health, we’d like to focus today on the good things. We will also touch on some holiday favorites that are good in moderation.

A beautifully prepared holiday feast featuring a roasted turkey surrounded by traditional side dishes, set on a festive dining table with a warm fireplace in the background.


Turkey is a mainstay of both Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. Often served as the centerpiece of a holiday feast, turkey is actually quite good for you and your teeth. Turkey meat is lean and full of beneficial minerals and vitamins. The phosphorous in turkey is good for both your teeth and bones. So this Christmas, rather than going for ham or beef, make sure you get plenty of turkey. Another benefit of turkey is the size of the birds. It’s customary to have lots of leftover turkey that can be used in sandwiches, pastas, soups and whatever else you are in the mood to make. Thank you evolution for turning the dinosaurs into delicious – and healthy little walking meatballs.


Hopefully this isn’t the first time that you are reading vegetables are good for you. Fresh green vegetables are some of the most nutrient rich foods that you can eat. Their benefits are multiple. Green leafy vegetables are rich in fiber and require a lot of chewing. This promotes saliva production, which in turn helps wash out the mouth and clear debris from between the teeth while neutralizing the acidic balance in the mouth. Acid is not a good thing to have building up as when the mouth is overly acidic it promotes teeth staining and cavity formation.

Greens are also rich in calcium, which is helps build stronger teeth and bones. So, this holiday season, try cooking with broccoli, carrots, and brussels sprouts. During your holiday celebrations, try making some salads as well. Holiday salads tend to be rich too, having things like apples and nuts, and you guessed it, those are great for your teeth as well. Here’s a list of some greens and how they benefit your oral health. Your mouth will thank you for it.


Nuts are loaded with vitamins and minerals. They also contain fatty acids and protein that benefit your brain and health over all. The fatty acids in nuts benefit gum health, which is of utmost importance when caring for your teeth. Try to keep it to healthy, non-cooked, non-salted nuts. Do your best to avoid candied sticky sweet nuts that will coat your teeth in sugar.


Cheese strengthens tooth enamel and increases saliva production. Just about any list of healthy teeth food includes cheese. Don’t forget the loads of calcium that cheese also has. The high levels of protein in cheese are also great for your over all health.

A charcuterie board with cheeses, nuts, and fresh fruits is a great addition to the holiday feast.


Many holiday potlucks will include salmon with cream cheese, known as Lox in the Jewish tradition. Cream cheese has the same benefits to your health as other cheeses, and salmon is fantastic for your teeth. Salmon has vitamin D, phosphorous, and omega-3 fatty acids. These three things improve teeth health and strength, gum health, and over all health of your body. So if you find some salmon at your holiday feast, go for it.


Foods to have in moderation

Pumpkin Pie

A dessert that’s good for your teeth? Yep, pumpkin pie is one of the healthier desserts. It is loaded with calcium, which helps build strong teeth and bones. Of course, pie has a lot of sugar, so try to have it in moderation, but if you need to eat some dessert, go for pumpkin pie. Try to lay off the whipped cream and ice cream that often goes with it though.

Red Wine

A glass or two of red wine a day has shown to be a healthy drinking choice. Red wine has antioxidants and the alcohol can help thin the blood after a blood-thickening holiday feast. Remember though, that alcohol over all is awful for your teeth, so try to drink in moderation. Red wine in excess can be especially awful for your teeth because of its acidity and staining properties. If you do drink, make sure to have your wine with water, as it will neutralize the acidity in your mouth and help keep your teeth and gums happy.

Keep your teeth healthy this holiday season

At Josey Lane Dentistry, we do our best to help you have the best smile you can. Whether it’s by scheduling regular dental appointments or by helping you with advice on how to be the healthiest you, we are here for you. If you have any questions or concerns about what you should be eating this holiday season, send us a message. If you are in the Carrollton Texas area, feel free to schedule an appointment. We are full-service family dental office and we want you and your teeth to have a Merry Christmas.

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