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What Gift Are You Giving Your Kids—In Your Example?

Holidays past and New Year resolutions abound, we have an important, introspective question for you to think about today. 


We’re going to let you in on a little secret (or, perhaps, a word to the wise): leading by example isn’t just that, at least not with your kids. Instead, leading by example must be followed with an explanation of your thinking. That’s how you allow a child to wrap their head around how to come to a mature and responsible decision. 

 A gift you can give—in the form of a resolution

Hearing your thinking process aloud might feel strange, but speaking up imparts a lesson that doesn’t sound like a lecture—it’s a strategy psychologist call “explanation and engagement.”  


And, when it comes to teeth, a parent’s duty requires setting a prime example with their child with good explanations. Setting these standards is about your kids maintaining good health habits throughout their life.  


We here at Josey Lane Dentistry have compiled a reference list to help you gift your little loved ones the information and tools about why and how to keep their smiles bright. 



  1. How to teach regular brushing


Whether it’s in the morning or the evening, one at-home example that’s sure to impress children is to watch one, or both, parents brush and floss their own teeth.  


Perhaps it would drive home the healthy habit routine to subtly announce every morning and evening what you are about to go do, even when the manual observation isn’t practical. 


  1. Excitement to go to the dentist


We have a plethora of tips on how to get the little ones excited about dentist trips. First, start with books. Nothing wraps a child’s mind around something better than words and pictures on the page to take them to a mental place. 


Second, play “dentist” with the kids. Let them look in your mouth and see if they’ll let you look in theirs. Get them used to the occupation and the goal of the role by making it fun.  


Third, call your dentist and schedule a tour of the office. The kids will think of it as a field trip, and it will familiarize them with what takes place at our office.    


  1. Daily Flossing


While the example of regular brushing is crucial, the example of daily flossing is just as important. One way to stress this importance, besides example, is when shopping for the toothbrush: make picking out their preferred flavor of floss an event for your kids, too. What you get excited about can get them excited, too. 


  1. Open dialogue about tooth health


When sharing that daily moment with your children of brushing and flossing together, perhaps you can tell stories of past tooth woes and your own oral history. Do you have a favorite memory from the tooth fairy? What wisdom did you parents impart onto you about oral care? 


And, just as every parent must do, shed the light on the repercussions of bad health care. 


  1. Praise smiles


Techniques like stickers on a reward chart can be a great way to motivate the healthy habit of brushing. Rewards like picking out the bedtime story, or the next book, or even just high fives can work, too, until solid habits are formed. Find what works best for your child and roll with that.  



Good role modeling shows integrity by a thousand small examples. And successful smiles are made successful through wise habits and decisions imparted to us by those gifts our parents give us called examples 


We hope this resolution season you keep this little tidbit in the forefront of your daily habits when it comes to truly giving your children this priceless gift.  


Happy New Year from all of us here at Josey Lane! We will see you at your first visit in 2018.

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