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Easy-to-Eat Foods—For Dentures!

For those with dental issues like implants or dentures who have to be careful with the foods they eat, summer can be difficult since much of the socialization takes place at eating-centric events.  


Whether it is at barbeques or a simple cookout around the pool, choosing which foods to eat and which foods to pass on can be challenging for many. Some of our older patients have asked us for dental tips on foods that can be trusted. As grill season ramps up and with the 4th of July right around the corner, we’ve compiled a list of dishes that are common at most events AND that can be trusted to not ruin the work you’ve had done to your mouth! 

 Foods for dentures

On the grill 


It is hard to resist meat straight off the grill. To play it safe, though, look for meat that isn’t too tough. Ribs or steaks can cause problems if the meat has too many gristles. If these are the only options, consider cutting the meat into small bites and forgoing eating it straight off the bone. And if there are other meat choices, the best for dentures are salmon or shrimp. In addition to being easy eat, both boast great nutritional content that’s perfect for aging seniors. Fish are full of Omega-3s which have been known to boost brain health. Not only will you be benefiting your teeth, but your mind as well! 


Side dishes 


For many denture-wearers, turning to soft carbs can result in weight gain and other health issues. While we understand these are easy to eat (not to mention delicious), make sure you’re practicing proper portion control. When looking for well-balanced side dishes, first look to see if cooked vegetables are an option. Grilled zucchini and squash are easy to throw on the grill with the meat and will boast your fiber intake, all while being soft enough to prevent damage. Pasta salads are another favorite and can be filled with fresh vegetables. Before diving in, make sure any olives are de-pitted to prevent cracking a tooth—whether a real tooth or not. Baked beans are another great option that boost your protein levels. And finally, what could be more representational of summer than watermelon? Look for the seedless varsity and eat up. Watermelon is full of fiber and water which will help ward off dehydration on these hot summer days. 




A BBQ isn’t complete without dessert. Most pies, cakes, and ice cream are all great options for those with dental issues. It is important to stay away from desserts that are sticky, including candies like toffee. Also, be aware that after-dinner drinks like coffee could stain your dentures.  


Not the right fit? 


If you’re experiencing anxiety about eating in public with your new denture or dental implants, it could be a sign that they’re not fitted properly. Trouble eating is one of the first indicators that something may be off. In addition, feeling the dentures slip in your mouth, nothing sores or experiencing pain can all be symptoms of a poor fit. If you are concerned that this describes you, give our office a call today so we can take a look. It’s important that you’re comfortable and confident with your new teeth. We can easily examine the problem and help guide you to a solution that gets you back to your old self!

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