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How To (Discretely) Cure Someone Else’s Bad Breath

Have you ever been on that date or had that friend whose bad breath is an ever-present beast? You know that breath that’s bad enough that you can smell it across the room and the pungent odor almost knocks you off your feet? If this is a close friend or—worse—a significant other, then you might feel comfortable (gently) nudging them to go brush their teeth or pop in a piece of gum.


But what if you’re at work, and it’s a coworker? Bad breath can be so intense that it’s nauseating, not to mention distracting, and can negatively impact the breather’s career. While you might feel intimidated to approach someone in a professional setting about something that could be very uncomfortable, it doesn’t mean you can’t try to remedy the situation through more surreptitious methods.

Cure someone else’s bad breath

Offer Water


Many times, bad breath is caused by dry mouth. Offer to get the person a cup of water if you’re in a meeting or meet them at the water cooler for a quick break. This can be done under the guise of hospitality and friendliness. To prevent worsening the situation, avoid offering beverages such as milk or soda, which could only compound the problem.


Make a SelfDeprecating Comment


By making a comment about your own perceived bad breath, you could spark the breather to think about their own situation. Consider highlighting how something you ate at lunch left a lingering taste in your mouth, and you need to brush your teeth or find a piece of gum. If you have gum, make sure to offer it to the other person.


Say Cheese


A study in Japan found eating a piece of cheese or having yogurt can neutralize acids in your mouth that cause bad odors. Instead of bringing donuts or bagels for the office break room, consider bringing in cheese and crackers to share. It could solve the bad breath and make you the hero of snack time!


Have a Tea Break


While coffee can cause bad breath, tea can have the opposite effect. On cold winter days, consider making both you and any folks in your office a cup of afternoon tea. The compounds in black tea have been shown to decrease the growth of bacteria in the mouth that causes bad odors.


Fill up Your (Sugar-Free) Candy Bowl


Consider filling up a communal office candy bowl with sugar-free candy and mints. These treats increase saliva in the mouth, which help mitigate any lingering odors. If you want to end the stench instead of just masking it, consider adding cinnamon candies that have been shown to stop bacteria growth in the mouth.


Fill a Fruit Bowl


Fruits high in vitamin C such as melons, berries and oranges are a great way to keep the stinky bacteria in check while also promoting gum health. Consider offering fruits like this as a snack room alternative to chips, crackers, or sticky alternatives.


The Office Nut


Fiber rich nuts act like small toothbrushes on the teeth and are able to dislodge old food that lingers in between the teeth. Just like with the fruit, consider bringing in a jar of nuts to share with coworkers. Nuts are a healthy snack alternative and a great way to mitigate bad breath.

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