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A Deal To Feel Good About

Josey Lane Dentistry is running a fall special on dental crowns, where patients who schedule their crown appointments before the end of October receive $50 off.


If you’re in need of a dental crown, that means you’ve been dealing with a cosmetic dental issue. These problems make up the bottom of our list of what we ever want to see in our smile.


Dental crowns are used to restore discolored, broken, and deteriorated teeth to their natural size, shape and color. This procedure is simple, and provides immediate cosmetic relief, not to mention its restorative impact on your bite and the comfort as you speak and eat.

Where to get your dental crown this month

Have you been procrastinating?


If you’ve been procrastinating, this fall special is an opportunity to think long and hard about getting this restorative procedure done before the holidays. Furthermore, if ever there’s been an end-of-year gift for the insurance companies, it’s how many unused dental benefits go to waste every December. We’ll hazard a guess that you want to smile big for pictures, and enjoy all your favorite holiday foods without your mind on your teeth.


Our question for patients tends to be, “Why wait?” Or, in the cases where patients suffer even further deterioration of a tooth that could’ve been restored earlier, the question becomes, “Why did you wait?”


There’s no need to procrastinate a dental crown. If your only concern was the money, this fall special is your opportunity to bypass the procrastination and finally picture yourself with that restored smile.


OK…but, what is it like getting a dental crown?


Getting a dental crown usually requires two appointments. The first appointment is used to shape the tooth, and take an imprint of it to manufacture the unique dental crown for your tooth color, size and bite.


Shaping the tooth requires the same numbing that you’d use when fixing a cavity, and Josey Lane Dentistry is proud of its track record in keeping patients as comfortable as possible throughout the process.


Once the tooth has been sized down sufficiently, we then take a dental impression of the tooth. The completed impression is then sent to a dental laboratory where it’s turned into a plaster cast, which is used to craft the crown designed precisely for your tooth.


This casting process is the primary reason why crowns are completed in two visits. After the manufactured crown is ready (usually in about two weeks), you come back to the office to get it permanently placed. But no worries—you’ll be given a temporary crown in between these visits to avoid a funky bite.


What should I expect at the second visit?


Patients typically don’t need any numbing for the final visit. It’s as simple as removing the temporary crown and the soft cement used to place it, and then cleaning the tooth to get it ready for the permanent crown.


Once the permanent crown is filled with a thin layer of cement, it’s placed onto your tooth, and as it begins to set we clean off any cement that made it outside the crown.


You’ve officially received permanent restoration of your smile!


…And after that?


As you adjust to your crown, be careful to note your bite over the first several days. If it needs to be adjusted, it’s as simple as a call to us to book an appointment. And remember, the sooner the better—an uneven bite can put undue stress on the rest of your teeth. And like we mentioned earlier, there’s no reason not to cash in on your dental benefits before the end of the year.


If you have any other reasons that you’ve hesitated in getting a crown, it’s as simple as calling us so we can talk you through. We have limited spots available for the fall special, but are excited to educate more of our patients about this simple but lifechanging restoration procedure.


Please note, certain exclusions apply to the $50 off fall special:


Cannot be used with any other offer. Cannot be used for treatment previously scheduled or performed. Does not apply to implant crowns. Offer expires 10/31/17.

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2440 North Josey Lane #102, Carrollton, TX 75006 Phone: 972-242-1592
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