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Types Of Electric Toothbrushes And What They Are Good At

There’s a ton of options for brushing your teeth. There’s everything from sustainable toothbrushes to smart toothbrushes. But what’s right for you? Well, of course everyone is different. If you want to figure out what brush will suit you best, then consider a few different things.

  1. How much money are you willing to spend? Electric toothbrushes range from as low as $40 to several hundred. You probably don’t want to drop $300 on something you don’t like using.
  2. Do you tend to brush too hard?
  3. Is it easy for you to remember to brush for 3 minutes?
  4. Are there any spots in your mouth you need to pay extra attention to? Many people focus on their front teeth and forget to brush the molars.
  5. Do you have any gum or tooth sensitivity? This is especially meaningful for those who may have had oral surgery.
  6. Do you have trouble with flossing? Either forgetting to do it or not liking it are both common problems that many people have.

Of course there is more to consider, and a toothbrush is a personal purchase.

Electric toothbrushes are certainly effective

, so make your choice effective as well.

Smart brushes

In the era of smartwatches, smartphones, and smart cars, of course there are smart toothbrushes. These are electric toothbrushes with changeable settings and a log of your brushing. Pairing the brush with the app is where it really shines. The app keeps track of how you are brushing over time, identifying areas in the mouth that you miss, and giving you personalized coaching. It lets you know what surfaces you need to hit, and how to brush better in general. Sensors in the brush communicate with the app and let you know if you are brushing too hard as well.

If you are a forgetful brusher, or want to make sure you are doing everything right, then using a smart brush is probably right up your alley. These are also great brushes for those who brush too hard, as they will let you know to take it easy.

Both Phillips and Oral-B make fantastic smart toothbrushes.

Flossing electric toothbrushes

Flossing isn’t exactly fun. It’s one of the most overlooked aspects of personal hygiene. It’s time-consuming, requires attention to detail, and can be painful. Fortunately, there are toothbrushes that will do the flossing for you. Many of these toothbrushes use a small jet of water that comes out of the head to gently get below the gum line. Some use air. Some electric brushes will instead use a rotating, cup shaped head that lets the bristles get below the gum line. Either way, it’s nice to get your brushing and flossing done in one go. What’s interesting, is that some studies have even shown that flossing with a water-jet toothbrush is 50% more effective at removing debris than string floss. There are also air floss toothbrushes that are great at cleaning the mouth quickly and efficiently.

Toothbrushes that get your flossing done for you are great for people who don’t like to/often forget to floss. These toothbrushes are also good for people who may have oral conditions like sensitive gums and for whom flossing is a challenge. Finally, those who have had oral surgery or have braces may not be able to floss, so a flossing toothbrush really solves that problem for them.

Waterpik, Phillips, and RotaDent both make great toothbrushes that let you take care of flossing (or at least getting under the gum line) while you brush.

Options on any Electric toothbrush

So, there are special electric toothbrushes that help you with flossing, and there are also smart brushes, but that’s not all. Electric toothbrushes often run the full gamut of what perks they have/don’t have. Often the same brand or even similar models will have much different options available. When you are making your purchase, it’s up to you to decide what you want, and what you are willing to pay for.

  • Several vibration settings. Plenty of high-end brushes have up to 5 vibration settings. Cheaper electric toothbrushes will only have 1 or 2.
  • Brushing movements per minute. The most basic of electric toothbrushes has 15,000 movements per minute. Some Sonicare brushes get up to 62,000. If you aren’t sure what feels good, it’s best to test out a cheap electric toothbrush first and see how you like it.
  • Timers. Plenty of electric toothbrushes will turn off after 2-3 minutes to ensure you are brushing your teeth for the right amount of time. Some will even slow down/beep every 30 seconds to let you know to move the brush to another area of the mouth.
  • Carrying cases. This is for those who travel all the time. More expensive brushes will come with these. Less expensive brushes may still have cases available that you can purchase separately.
  • Brush head type. This comes down to personal preference. You may like the standard, rectangular toothbrush head or the round head that is more common for electric. When buying, be sure that your electric brush has the head you want.

Not sure which brush to pick?

If you aren’t sure what you need in an electric toothbrush, or maybe you have considerations not mentioned here, ask a professional. Josey Lane Dentistry has been serving the Carrollton Texas area for over 17 years, and has the experience to know what you need. On top of oral surgeries, dental implants, check-ups, and our general services, we also specialize in preventative dentistry. Part of preventative dentistry is regular upkeep of your oral health. Message us today with any questions you may have about what toothbrush is right for you.

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