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More Things In Carrollton That Folks Said They’re Thankful For!

You might remember the article we posted a week ago about the things we’re grateful for in Carrollton. This time of year brings all kinds of warm fuzzies that have to do with family, friends, traditions and history—all of which are richest for those of us who feel a part of this community. In Carrollton we couldn’t find ourselves being more grateful, particularly for all the follow up we received after we posted our own list. 

 Carrollton, TX

Apparently, many people had other things to add, and agreed that our own list was a great start of Carrollton-rich sights, norms and traditions! We were so overcome by the shared gratitude that others shared with us, that we wanted to create a second list in order to keep the gratitude going strong even though Thanksgiving has come and passed. 

 Our patients who love Carrollton

  1. Where there is history, there is pride
    Carrollton has a hard-working background. There are families that have been here since the town was first settled, who’ve seen the town prosper through generations. A town that has that kind of pride has real roots, and makes us all feel grateful to be apart of that story. 


  1. The plethora of unique food options
    Carrollton, like much of Texas, has almost every food option from around the world. From steaks and sandwiches, to Indian food, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Hawaiian poke, Greek, Salvadorian, traditional American, Colombian and more – Carrollton is here to satisfy those taste buds, and nothing makes us more grateful than good food!  


  1. Job opportunities
    Founded on a working economy, Carrollton hasn’t lost sight of creating job opportunities for its residents. According to there are 20,069 companies registered in Carrollton, including Halilburton (Oil & Gas R&D), Thomson Reuters, and Western Extrusions to the famous Spa Castle and Sandy Lake Amusement Park, there are quite a few places keeping this town in business and thriving!


  1. Schools
    When the men and women first settled this town they didn’t have much of an education, which in turn made them want their children to have the opportunity for the best. Modern day Carrollton boasts five school districts for parents to choose from, and all of them include schools located a stone’s throw away. 


  1. Crime
    Your neighbors look out for you here! Carrollton is safer than 30% of U.S. Cities. 


  1. We shop in town, not at the malls
    With local boutiques, grocers, cafés, diners and shops galore, there’s hardly any reason to participate in the corporate draw of life. Although we do have our Target-like options here, we like to keep local businesses in business.  


  1. Community involvement
    It’s so easy to get civically involved in a tighter-knit community. Because the roots go so deep here, the city’s values become innate in daily life—making for one warm and welcoming town. 


  1. Nature…real nature.
    More than 1 out of 50 square feet of Carrollton is comprised of water, and a lot of the rest of Carrollton is farmland. With a climate deemed sub-tropical, lush foliage can be found pretty much year-round, and that makes us quite thankful! 


  1. Good Dentistry
    What a show of gratitude passed back to the Josey Lane office this Thanksgiving! We’re so proud to be able to provide the service that our patients have come to feel grateful for in Carrollton! Don’t forget, we’re always just a call away. 
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2440 North Josey Lane #102, Carrollton, TX 75006 Phone: 972-242-1592
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