Author Archives: zapatos
Chlorine and Your Teeth: Summer 2019
When you think of summer safety tips, the first things that comes to is properly applying sunscreen, remembering to douse yourself in bug spray, or enforcing water safety and keeping a close eye on little ones at the pool. And, … Continue reading
[VIDEO] What’s In An Oral Cancer Exam?
In 2019, it’s estimated that about 53,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral or oropharyngeal cancer. And more than 10,000 people diagnosed with one of these cancers will die. [youtube] Scheduling and going to your biannual cleaning is … Continue reading
Bleeding Gums—Is It Always Gingivitis?
After brushing your teeth, how many times have you looked in the sink a seen a little blood? If we’re being truthful, this has happened to most people many times. The sight of blood might not raise alarms since … Continue reading
Josey Lane’s Mouthwash Review
While you’re very familiar with idea of brushing your teeth twice a day, that “two minutes, twice daily” doesn’t tell the whole story. If you’re only brushing your teeth and forgetting to floss and use mouthwash, then there’s more … Continue reading
Who’s susceptible to dental avoidance?
In the last year, over one third of adults admitted avoiding going to the dentist. The reasons for avoidance range from lack of access to services, lack of dental insurance or inability to pay, or avoidance due to anxiety or … Continue reading
How To Clean Your Dentures
Properly cleaning and taking care of your dentures is just as important as caring for your overall oral health. A denture is a good alternative for people who have lost some or all of their teeth, and having one … Continue reading
How can a tooth extraction change your life?
What a question! Anything to do with our pearly whites comes with medical, emotional and practical considerations. In an emotional sense as well as a very physical sense, teeth are hard. In fact, the outermost layer of our teeth (enamel) … Continue reading
Dentures vs Overdentures – What They Are and How to Choose
Dentures and overdentures… Probably the first thing that comes to mind when we hear any of these words is that dentures are only for seniors. Or for those of us who are creeping up in years, we just shudder … Continue reading
Expert Solutions To Treat Everyday Dental Problems
The human mouth. It’s normal for us not to think about it, despite how much we rely on it every day. We can get energy—and pleasure—from food, plus our mouth and teeth affect how we communicate our surroundings. We can … Continue reading
How Oral Health Means Full-Body Health
We’ve all heard it. And as much as it’s become a rallying point for dental health, it’s only PART of the whole truth: brushing twice a day for two minutes is essential for oral health. You’ve heard it, you know … Continue reading