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The Best Tooth Brushing

How much do you think about what you’re doing when you brush your teeth? We mean, really think.


Now go over the list of things to do in your head, or try to blow dry your hair with your free hand. Have you ever considered the many techniques there are to brushing your teeth? How about the scientific reason your teeth feel extra clean after a professional dental cleaning?


If these questions have ever led you to Google an idea, or just caused to you pause for a moment, then keep reading. We’ve complied some of the questions most often asked to our experts here at Josey Lane, and a few extras for good measure!

A cheerful woman with curly hair, wearing a blue headband and sunglasses, smiles brightly against a blue background, showcasing her healthy, white teeth. This vibrant image promotes dental care, oral hygiene, and the confidence that comes with a beautiful smile. Ideal for dental education, family dentistry, and encouraging regular teeth whitening and oral health practices for a radiant, happy appearance.

So, I know brushing is important, but what does it actually do for my teeth?


Brushing is vitally important for good oral health. When you brush your teeth, the tooth brush removes tiny plaque particles from the surface of your teeth and along your gum line. If left untouched, this plaque can bury deep in the teeth and gums and cause cavities, tooth loss or other serious periodontal diseases. Remember, plaque is a build-up of bacteria, so you want to clean it off.


Ive been brushing my teeth for decades, how do I know if my technique is wrong?


In 2014, the British Dental Journal surveyed the advice given in ten different countries on how to best brush your teeth. After an extensive examination of dental literature, product directions and professional interviews, it was determined there is not consensus on the “best” way to brush your teeth.


While the jury remains out on method, there is evidence that shows the most productive ways to brush your teeth for maximum benefit. Effective tooth brushing requires you to spend at least two minutes, twice a day thoroughly brushing your teeth. This means each stroke has reached behind each tooth, in the crevices, in the far back molars, and on your tongue. The most common error we see among patients is a failure to get all parts of your teeth. Don’t focus only on the parts you see when you smile. You need to be reaching far to the back and getting behind your furthest molar.


Is one tooth brush better than another?


Thankfully, we’ve progressed from using sticks and leaves to clean our teeth (the common tools of our distant ancestors) to a plethora of options lining the drug store shelves. The most important aspect of a toothbrush is correct usage. If the tool isn’t used properly, then no matter how expensive or technologically advanced it is, it’s worthless.


For manual brush users, many dentists recommend small-headed, soft-bristled brushes. They are favored since they’re small enough to get behind your back teeth, and the bristles don’t cause excess irritation to the gum line. Electric toothbrushes are popular among our patients and many users feel that they are able to get their teeth cleaner more efficiently. The most important part of choosing a tooth brush is to find one that you like best and that you use properly.


I love the clean feeling after I leave the dentist. Can I replicate it at home?


Having a good cleaning and polishing puts a smile on everyone’s face. The reason you have had a hard time replicating this one-of-a-kind feeling at home is that our professional equipment is more powerful than the tools you have in your medicine cabinet. In addition to tools that remove large, stuck-on pieces of plaque and tartar, we have tools that allow for extreme precision in removing tiny imperfections in your teeth. Finally, the professional fluoride treatment helps to lock everything in at the end. What we have in the office is much stronger than is commercially available. We wish you could experience the same sensation at home after every brushing, but you’ll just have to look forward to your bi-annual visits!


Here at Josey Lane we love talking to our patients and answering questions or concerns they have about their oral care. If there is a question you would like answered, give us a call or leave it in the comments!

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