Author Archives: zapatos
How to Choose the Best Dental Insurance Coverage for 2016
Even as your current dental insurance expires this December, you should be thinking ahead and discussing upcoming dental needs with your dentist. Often, the dentist is already preparing a treatment plan to send to insurance that you can use to … Continue reading
Toys for Children Interested in Being a Dentist (Or for Your Waiting Room!)
Toys for Children Interested in Being a Dentist (Or for Your Waiting Room!) Looking for dentist themed toys? You’ve come to the right post. Whether you’re looking to open or update your waiting room, just have a kiddo eager to … Continue reading
One kind word can warm three winter months
6 Dental Tools that should be on Your Holiday Wish list
Do you ever have someone ask you what you want for Christmas and draw a big blank? Now is a perfect time to consider what you might need to stay healthy in the coming year. Your oral health is a … Continue reading
One must maintain a little bit of summer, even in the middle of winter.
You can’t be sad while riding a bicycle
Top 8 Tips for Braces Wearers Just in Time for the Holidays
Over one million Americans and Canadians wear braces every year. That’s a lot of people gearing up for winter festivities right now. Dental clients that have braces or other orthodontic apparatuses in their mouths need to be extra careful with … Continue reading
Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same
Why Visiting Your Dentist during Winter Break is a Good Idea
Christmas is in a few short weeks, and your calendar is probably filling up with all the fun things you want to do with your children or students who will soon be on winter break. One thing you need to … Continue reading