Trusted Carrollton, Texas dentist offering expert dental care, cosmetic dentistry, and family dental services in Carrollton, TX
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Dental Abscess

A dental abscess is a confined, pus filled area that forms as a result of persistent bacterial infection. Whenever the body suffers from an infection, the immune system is activated, and white blood cells in the blood are transported to … Continue reading

Happiness, like unhappiness, is a proactive choice.

Toothpaste Questions Answered: FAQs on its History, Ingredients, and Proper Use

Toothpaste, formally known as dentifrice, is a common bathroom find and used on a daily basis. Its use is a habit built on learning from our parents that it’s necessary for clean teeth. The store shelves are loaded with different … Continue reading

How to Properly Floss Your Teeth and Why You Should Do It Daily

 It’s safe to say that floss is the most neglected preventative care in the United States. The average person should be using between 122-182 yards of floss annually (figuring at 12-18 inches per day), yet they only buy an average … Continue reading

The day is what you make it! So why not make it a great one?

The Diabetes Teeth Connection

It’s been estimated by the American Diabetes Association that nearly 30 million U.S. children and adults have diabetes, with over 8 million more that have gone undiagnosed.  Diabetes negatively impacts your body’s ability to convert sugar from your food into … Continue reading

If you want light to come into your life, you need to stand where it is shining

Top 6 Holiday Foods for Your Teeth

The holiday season is upon us! The next two months are ripe with parties, family gatherings, and other opportunities to indulge in winter and special occasion favorite foods. No one wants to give those up, and surprisingly, many of the … Continue reading

There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship

How Plaque Affects Your Taste Buds

Each person has somewhere between 2000 and 8000 taste buds in their oral cavity. These small bumps cluster primarily on the tongue, but also are scattered along the soft palate, upper esophagus, the inside of the cheek, and the entrance … Continue reading

2440 North Josey Lane, Ste. 102, Carrollton, TX 75006 Phone: 972-242-1592
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