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8 Oral Health Resolutions for the New Year

Whether you’re looking to put your general resolution into action or want to be specific as you make it, we’ve gathered up some ideas to help you reach your oral health goals in 2016. Experts say that being as specific as possible in your efforts will yield the best results. Let’s take a look at some sure-fire ways to make your dental resolutions successful in 2016.

Glowing blue sparkler fireworks forming the numbers '2016' against a black background, symbolizing a New Year's celebration and fresh resolutions.

Attend Two Oral Exams

Many dental-oriented organizations, especially the American Dental Association, highly recommend two visits to your dentist each year. It’s this standard that makes up the conditions of most dental insurance. Six months is a great allotment of time to care for your teeth, and when you have an exam and cleaning done your dentist can search for signs and symptoms of any problems. If they catch them in the early stages, it can save you a lot of time and pain down the road. A bright and healthy smile is worth a couple visits each year.

Cut Back on Sugar

Since elementary school, most of us have been taught the damaging effects of sugar on teeth. Sugar feeds oral bacteria, causing the plaque that compounds into bigger problems. These can include inflammation of the oral tissues and gingiva, tooth decay, tooth or gum loss, and even oral cancer. Sweet foods and drinks have the same addictive effects in the brain that certain drugs do, making it a hard habit to kick. Fading it out of your diet is the best way to approach this resolution.  Trade in sweet treats for naturally sweet alternatives such as fruit. Also, increasing water intake can help flush the mouth of bacteria and sugars, as well as combat inflammation.

Invest in Dental Insurance on a Monthly Plan

While your provider may give a discount for paying upfront, if you’re trying to make sure you’ll use your benefits each year, it’s better to pay it monthly. By keeping it fresh in your budget and mind, you’ll be more likely to schedule those appointments and use what you’ve invested in.

There are several different kinds of dental insurance, so be sure to research and find the best one for your needs. You’ll also need to consider whether the dentist you know or would like working on your teeth are within an insurance’s provider network, if a dentist has convenient times and dates for your insurance’s clients, and other major factors of the insurance plan.

Floss Daily

Flossing is the most neglected form of prevention and the biggest cost saver in all of dental care. If you can find a way to make absolutely sure to floss each and every day, you can save yourself thousands of dollars and lots of pain during cleanings or treatment down the road. Flossing keeps tartar and plaque from forming around the structures of your oral cavity. This in turn prevents tooth decay and all the other problems associated with its presence for long periods of time. Flossing will keep any type of dental resolution on track, so add it to your arsenal of defense and stick with it in 2016.


Kick Nicotine to the Curb

Earlier this week, we posted an article on all the ways smoking is bad for you. From bodily harm to a sluggish gingiva blood flow, tobacco use is bad news for your health. It’s no secret that nicotine keeps over 852 million people worldwide addicted.  Thankfully, there are free help options out there such as the online program by American Lung Association and 1-800-Quit-Now, in addition to the assistance of insurance providers, doctors and dentists. Take advantage of this help.

Cut back on Alcoholic Indulgence

Another common New Year’s resolution is to reduce alcoholic intake. While most people consider the social problems that alcohol contributed to in the previous year, they should also consider the detrimental impact alcohol can have on the health of their mouth. Most drinks have sugar in one form or another, causing the dangerous plaque and tartar we mentioned up in the sugar section. Additionally, the acid levels of most adult drinks are high, eroding teeth and making them susceptible to tooth damage. Lastly, alcohol dehydrates your body. If you aren’t replacing that bodily moisture, you’re more likely to produce chronic bad breathe, reduced saliva and its ability to keep bacteria minimized, and overall pH balanced oral cavity.

Consume More Water

Water plays an important role in keeping your mouth’s pH levels balanced, which prevents a myriad of problems. Drinking water flushes the mouth out, as well as helps produce saliva to keep bacteria and plaque from settling in the oral cavity. It also helps keep gums and oral tissues healthy and productive in maintaining teeth structures in their designated positions and from losing them. Commit to drinking more water, and you’re entire body will benefit, but especially your mouth.

Eat Tooth-Friendly Foods

Eating healthy is another big resolution that benefits your chompers. Fibrous foods, especially apples and celery, work externally to literally scrub plaque and tartar from crevices in your teeth. Drinking milk or eating cheese not only gives your jaw bone and teeth the calcium they need to stay strong, but also balance out pH levels to keep bacteria at bay.  Just as you should increase these foods in your diet, consider reducing sugar or complex carbs to in turn minimize sugar conversion produced by bacteria. Soda and juice, as well as sweet treats and processed foods all tend to have high levels of sugar. Whole foods will give your body what it needs to perform well, and your teeth top level treatment every day of the year.


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