Trusted Carrollton, Texas dentist offering expert dental care, cosmetic dentistry, and family dental services in Carrollton, TX
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5 Reasons to See Us Regularly

We always encourage you to keep up with regularly scheduled appointments at our dental office in Carrollton. But do you know why it’s so important? In this blog, we cover some of the top reasons seeing us at least twice a year is so crucial to your oral health.

  1. Cavities. Regular cleanings and appointments are key to preventing serious problems that may be lurking. Plaque, that gross white stuff that you can sometimes see on your teeth, is the top cause of decay and, therefore, cavities. If left alone, the plaque eats away at enamel and forms cavities. Professional cleanings are really important to remove plaque buildup and protect smiles.
  1. Keep Your Teeth. Not only can regular visits keep you healthy, they’re also really important if you want to keep your teeth. At your appointments, we look for gum disease, which is one of the major reasons adults lose their teeth. If left untreated, gum disease can weaken the bone that holds teeth in place. This can eventually cause teeth to fall out or loosen. If we catch gum disease early, it decreases the chance of this happening.
  1. Save Your Money. Regular visits help catch any potential problems before they turn into big, expensive issues. Taking advantage of preventive dental care appointments can help keep cash in your wallet by helping avoid big ticket procedures.
  1. Kissably Fresh Breath. While your at-home routine does help to keep bad breath germs away, professional cleanings get deep into the pockets and remove germs and bacteria below the gum line.
  1. Overall Health. There is a strong connection between your oral health and your overall health. A healthy mouth typically means a healthier body, and there’s no better way to ensure you’re in tip-top shape than with regular cleanings. Regular cleanings may help lower risk for heart disease and stroke, and we can detect many other whole-body problems early at regular dental appointments.

If you’re due for a checkup or cleaning, call our Carrollton dental office. We’ll get you scheduled for an dental exam and cleaning, and check your entire mouth for any problems or potential ones. As always, we’ll also recommend that you return to see us in about six months.

We serve patients in and around Carrollton, TX. Schedule an Appointment today!

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2440 North Josey Lane #102, Carrollton, TX 75006 Phone: 972-242-1592
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