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Mercury Fillings: Facts and Safe Removal

Mercury fillings are surrounded by a great deal of conflicting opinions. Are they safe? Are they safe to remove? Why do dentists use them? It’s fair to have questions about this poisonous element, especially if it is being used in your teeth. Let’s take a brief look at mercury fillings’ history, use, and safety.

Mercury Fillings: Facts and Safe Removal

The History of Mercury Fillings

Mercury fillings were invented by an English chemist in 1819. By 1826 they were being used in amalgam fillings in England and France. In 1830, they were in use in the US. By 1840, they were denounced due to concerns of mercury poisoning. Over the next 160 years, various reports came out across the United States and Europe about the safety and lack-thereof of using mercury in fillings.

You will notice that when they became commonplace, much less was known about the toxic nature of mercury than is known today. This study from 1995 points out that half of mercury exposure to adults comes from fillings. Additionally, another study points out that with pesticides, and various other heavy metals, toxicity in our bodies in synergistic. This means mercury can do far more damage than in previous centuries.

So What are the Risks?

Ultimately, the risks are difficult to measure. Although amalgam (mercury mixed with other metals) fillings can release mercury into the body, the amounts have been shown to be far to low to cause adverse effects.

Fortunately, studies have shown that no real threat exists from mercury fillings alone, and they are still used throughout dentistry today. The amount of mercury in fillings are so tiny that they don’t have measurable side effects on people with those fillings. Mercury fillings have been blamed on a whole range of diseases, including Alzheimer’s, but there isn’t proof to back it up. The evidence is that they are safe, and most dentists support their use. The rare cases where they should not be used are when patients have allergic reactions to mercury.

Long story short, there isn’t a reason to be nervous about your fillings because of mercury content. There is no clinical evidence of people with mercury fillings suffering from mercury poisoning.

What are the Reasons to Remove Your Fillings?

Decrease Mercury Exposure

Even if mercury poisoning isn’t a risk, it can’t hurt to limit the amount of it in your body. Mercury can release vapors when you chew, which means then get into your food and digestive system.

Peace of Mind

Removing mercury fillings decreases anxiety about having them.


The areas around fillings can get infected and pose other health risks. This is a problem especially if the filling has become loose.

How to Safely Replace Amalgam (mercury) fillings

If for any reasons you do need your fillings removed, there are steps you can follow to do so safely. If you wish to remove the fillings, you are going to need the resources and training of a dental/periodontal office. Requirements include:

  • Oxygen supply. Oxygen supplied through a tube will stop you from breathing mercury fumes that will come out while the filling is removed.
  • Rubber Dam. This prevents mercury from going down your throat.
  • Water for rinsing and cleaning the area.
  • A suction device for removing particles left over.
  • Absorbent materials (usually charcoal/chlorella). These are placed under the rubber damn and prevent the body from absorbing mercury.
  • Dental drill. This is used for deep fillings and removing large chunks.
  • The small filling area usually requires a magnifying lens.
  • Air cleaning system. The air will need to be scrubbed to remove mercury vapors after the procedure.

Should You Remove Your Amalgam Fillings?

Unless they pose a serious health risk to you, probably not. The best way to find out what kind of risk your mercury fillings pose is by asking your dentist. An open conversation with a medical professional is usually the ideal way to go for learning more about this topic. It beats falling down internet rabbit holes of possibilities and myths. Note that removing your fillings can be costly, painful, and take quite a lot of time.

If you’re in the Carrollton Texas area, and want to learn more, or talk with a dentist, contact us. Josey Lane Dentistry is a professional, experienced dental office that can give you the best advice about what to do about your fillings. As consummate dental professionals, we would be happy to answer any questions you have.

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